Monday, April 8, 2013

 People have been incessantly asking me to post some sketches, so I suppose I have no choice but to post a few. That being said, please be kind and remember these are only SKETCHES...

Above is a famous statue in the center of Chinandega that I am absolutely in love with, it represents the strength of the working class, on which Nicaragua was built.

This is just the beginning construction of a home in Divino Nino... 

This is the beginnings of a typical home in Leon... 

Above are sketches of the typical seafood here.

Below is my street and my home...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Finally- more pictures!

 So sorry these are a bit out of order, I work so hard to get them in a sequence and then by the time the all upload its a jumbled mess. Bear with me...

There was a clown at the mall a few weeks ago. Andre hated it.

 We evangelize and teach in Schools and communities of allll ages...

And we teach them how to pray...

We also have baking lessons, which for some reason is a very foreign concept to my friends..

 And of course, how I can forget our sweet family time...

My sisters and my wonderful Papi...

We go on adventures..

Yes that is a frog next to a COCONUT, and yes he was absolutely giant. And we went to the pool- Andre's first time in the water!

 We do feeding programs in the barrios once or twice a week...

We also do campaigns in the evening, and preach, and pray, and introduce communities to this man we serve called Jesus...

Oh, and I have the most WONDERFUL friends...

We bring school supplies and give them to children and students and schools in need as often as we get the funds to do it!

We laugh and play... a lot...

We do medical missions with groups like Palmetto Medical...

 And we speak at churches around Nicaragua, like the picture below in Masaya..

AND I get to see this, every day. This is where I live. 
The Lord was in a GREAT mood when he created this place.